Friday, 31 October 2014
Surprise! Welcome to the super-secret pilot of Joe & Chris Do a Thing. We're often asked if we'd consider doing episode of The Eleventh Hour Podcast about things other than Doctor Who while that series is off the air but we've never quite felt it was the right move for something that entirely identifies as a Doctor Who podcast, so here's our elegant solution.
Joe & Chris Do a Thing is intended to run completely separately from EH? on an entirely different feed but, since you're the only audience we have, we wanted to see what you thought of this long, spoilery trawl through the Saw movie franchise, just in time for Halloween.
If this isn't your scene, no worries, just ignore it, or delete it and forget it ever happened but if you have any comments at all, we'd love to hear from you.
(Doctor Who listeners, if you've not synced your podcasts lately, you may have missed our IN THE FOREST OF THE NIGHT episode)
Thursday, 30 October 2014
PODCAST: In the Forest of the Night
The Doctor fights trees. Or rather doesn't. In the single greatest arboreal threat since The Happening, these leafy bastards crop up out of nowhere and with the help of their fairy brethren actually save us from being fried alive, then bugger off.
Well, thanks for that, Frank Cottrell-Boyce. In the Forest of the Night is a genuine curio, an episode you'll hear more than once on this podcast described as "not 100% successful" but which coasts by on some pretty effortless charm (even as it stirs up a medication controversy).
Join Joe and Chris as they cryptically hint at something else they have planned, explain why you shouldn't get the bus home if you have particularly awful spelling, do a teeny bit of belching and largely don't know what the hell to make of this episode of Doctor Who.
Image from | Available tracklisting on Spotify
Thursday, 23 October 2014
PODCAST: Flatline
People have often criticised Doctor Who villains for being less than three-dimensional, but it's never been truer than in the case of the Bonus. Bolus? Boners? What's that? Boneless? If you insist.
With the Doctor stuck in a tiny TARDIS (and presumably fulfilling filming duties elsewhere, while getting a continuity-breaking haircut), it's time for Clara to be The Doctor and be cold, dark and scary while doing it? If you insist.
So, do we hate it or what, or is this write-up a clever blind to hide our true feelings about Jamie Mathieson's second Doctor Who script? If only there was some way to find out...
Join Joe and Chris as they further assassinate listener Donald's character, strangle adorable talking dogs in bizarre thought experiments, use up a lot of train-related songs they didn't get to last week and hint at a potential future project. Excite-o-times!
(The audio this week is oddly inconsistent in volume and panning and we are unsure why. We've tried to minimise it as much as possible but not totally. We hope it does not trouble your ears too much.)
Available tracklisting on Spotify | Image from
Listen to FLATLINE
Friday, 17 October 2014
PODCAST: Mummy on the Orient Express
After Robots of Sherwood and Mummy on the Orient Express, we give ourselves over to wonder what other established title could have a fantastical creature or machine added to it to make future Doctor Who titles and cookie-cutter plots? Could it be The Vampire Strikes Back? To Cerberus With Love? The Ghost Busters (basically The Dam Busters, but with ghosts)? Or perhaps Mo Money, Mokèlé-mbèmbé? (That's our pick)
Jamie Mathieson makes his Doctor Who debut with this story that pulls at a spare thread left over from The Big Bang four years ago, and finds an extremely workable concept on the end of it.
Join Joe and Chris as they visit the toilet, click their fingers, reveal Donald's secret hobby, play to their ever-silent live audience and, to their amazement on a day when they were both really tired, stay awake. Personal triumphs all around.
Image is, again from
Listen to this episode's available Spotify Playlist
And, of course, listen to MUMMY ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS
Thursday, 9 October 2014
PODCAST: Kill the Moon
It's Quel Dommage! It's Kelda Holmes! It's KILL THE MOON; the possibly allegorical, hugely unscientifical, improbably bacterial tale of some kind of Space Charizard and its unlikely reproductive process.
First time Doctor Who writer Peter Harness straps himself into the writer's chair and proceeds to split the fanbase violently in half. Is it a pro-life allegory? Is it patronising and sexist? Is it simply marvellous drama? We don't feel that a consensus can be reached on that, but at least we can all rest safely in the knowledge that the science is utterly nonsensical.
Join Joe and Chris as they burp, make loud noises with their chairs, have their Donald Tolerance pushed to the limit, say "Lundvik" quite a lot and generally do that thing of tying themselves in knots trying to debate the big issues without wanting to offend anyone at all. It's a tough life.
kissthemgoodbye,net are again the purveyors of our image.
The available playlist is, of course, on Spotify
And, now, listen to KILL THE MOON
Friday, 3 October 2014
PODCAST: The Caretaker
The most controversial series of Eleventh Hour Podcast continues! Though, thankfully, in this case it doesn't mean increased sexual content, racism, or blasphemy, just that we once again politely disagree about the episode's quality. One of us liked it, one of us didn't. Which was which? You'll just have to find out!
In this podcast you will also hear:
- Joe's most complicated joke setup ever
- TWO Final Fantasy musical references
- A discussion as to the relative ease of spontaneous lying
- More about the stilted direction of Mike Oldfield's "Pictures in the Dark" video
- Continuing evidence of Donald's attempt to take over the podcast
- And maybe even some discussion of the episode
Who's been reeling from the balls? Who can do the needful? Just how many individual lines establish that Danny is a soldier and the Doctor doesn't like soldiers? All these questions and more will be answered by the podcast we hope is good enough for you...
Imagey business from
Available soundtrack on Spotify
And, finally, listen to THE CARETAKER