Sunday, 24 December 2017
PODCAST: Bumper Series 10 Cleanup EPICsode
Hello! After a series of physical and technical mishaps, unavailabilities (we don't care if that's not a word) and other poor excuses, here's the rest of Doctor Who series 10, including discussions of: Empress of Mars, The Eaters of Light, World Enough and Time & The Doctor Falls.
Apologies for the real drop off in enthusiasm towards the end but who knows - if you listen all in one go, you might be feeling the same by then and welcome it.
Hopping Holidays to all and we'll be back within the next five years to discuss the upcoming Christmas special, Twice Upon a Time.
Sunday, 16 July 2017
Joe and Chris recorded a ramshackle reaction podcast to today's exciting reveal of the Thirteenth Doctor. Converting and uploading this on mobile devices has been so tiring an experience that we have no energy left for a fun write up, so you're getting this instead.
Saturday, 10 June 2017
PODCAST: The Lie of the Land
In an exciting adventure, Britain realises it has the power to fight a totalitarian regime, and also there was an episode of Doctor Who on.
Not a big write up, this. Join a post-General Election 2017 Joe & Chris as they try to resist the charms of sleep, play an unusual sampler patch, relate the tale of Beverly Crusher fucking a ghost, make factual errors about Captain Sensible records, discuss the merits of American birds and generally say words for about an hour and forty minutes. You should know by now whether you like that kind of thing or not.
Saturday, 3 June 2017
PODCAST: The Pyramid at the End of the World
If it's getting light again outside then it means that another EHPodcast is done and dusted and ready to pour into your waiting aural canals, you lucky people.
This week's Doctor Who put the cat among the pigeons with its talk of consent and whether it was a metaphor for THAT kind of consent or not and, since it's not our job to do so, we fail to arrive at a solid answer ourselves, although we are also fighting our second week of the world not having any air in it so who knows. We're definitely on the verge of selling out the whole of humanity just to get a nice breeze at this point.
Saturday, 27 May 2017
PODCAST: Extremis
We want to get this out of the way right now: this is definitely not our best episode. In our defence, for the last three days, the very atmosphere has been on fire and there's absolutely no moisture left in the air that we breathe so we got somewhat distracted just by trying to stay conscious.
Luckily, in a move that's saved us before, we were able to rely on our excellent listeners to keep us going with feedback.
Still, we're sure you'll get some enjoyment out of the podcast and next week we'll record in a tepid shower if it becomes necessary.
"Enjoy" Extremis
Saturday, 20 May 2017
Jamie Mathieson is back with another blinding episode. Will it be his final go at Doctor Who, or will he be back under Chibnall? The smart money says don't hold your breath.
The Doctor takes Bill for her first proper trip into deep space and everything goes perfectly fine.
Meanwhile, in the world of Joe & Chris, there's guitar chugging to be done, albums to name, theoretical Skins characters to devise and grandparents' doors to describe.
Have a listen to OXYGEN.
Saturday, 13 May 2017
PODCAST: Knock Knock
It's spooky times down in Doctor Who world again, this time as a creepy old house makes some noise and some young students get wood.
David Suchet proves particularly impressive given the stuff he's given to work with and Bill shows off a new hair-do. There's some piano-based vault flirting and Harry Sullivan's grandson is an imbecile.
Join Joe and Chris as they prepare a wooden lady to be presented to society, continue their run of magically picking information out of the recesses of their brains and probably some other stuff, I dunno, it's gone five in the morning now.
Find out who's there by listening to KNOCK KNOCK.
Saturday, 6 May 2017
PODCAST: Smile & Thin Ice (MEGACAST)
Blimey, kids, it's been a right couple of weeks at the offices of the Eleventh Hour Podcast with an unplanned flat move putting a spanner in the works of getting last week's episode done.
But, brave adventurers that we are, we got ourselves together over a couple of days and decided to record what we expected to be a quick, feedback-focussed double episode. Instead, we seem to have churned out a 2.5 hour epic. Sorry about that.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that our free podcast host requires a specific cap on file size, it does mean that this episode has needed to be encoded at a lower bitrate than usual, leading to our worst-sounding episode since the similarly lengthy group therapy session that was VINCENT AND THE DOCTOR nearly seven years ago. We even had some last minute feedback from listener Kirsten who gets her own little section at the end of the show.
Despite all the tribulations, it's nice to be back up to date and we hope you enjoy, even if the audio is a bit chunkier than usual.
No silly list of things we may have discussed, just a request that you listen to THIN SMILE.
Saturday, 22 April 2017
PODCAST: The Pilot
Doctor Who is back with, at least for now, a near-continuity-free clean sweep. This won't last, but it's provided another new jumping-on episode for new or lapsed fans as well as largely being pretty popular with the people who were already/still here.
Also back are Joe and Chris, once again in a fashionably late episode in which they certainly talk about Doctor Who, drink fizzy drinks, share a nice kiss and controversially come out AGAINST bigots. Way to finally nail those colours to the mast, lads.
Join these two on their continuing adventures through a cavalcade of cartoonish, maniacal dictators and fascist automatons. They also sometimes watch Doctor Who.
Listen to THE PILOT
Friday, 14 April 2017
PodCLASS Finale: The Lost
It's the final bit of deck clearing here at EHPodcast as we make room in our schedule for the new series of Doctor Who.
However, this has come at the right time as Class is finally scheduled to appear on BBC America and, reviewing this episode has made us realise how much we enjoyed the series in the long run.
Have fun, and if you're watching along with the BBCA broadcasts, remember to come back and find us.
Listen to THE LOST
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
PODCAST: The Return of Doctor Mysterio
Yes! It's Christmas in April. Normally these updates are written in the third person, or as "we" but on this occasion, it's definitely Chris here apologizing to you for the tardiness of this podcast (not to mention the TARDISness). Recorded in January, it's finally limped out when my hand was forced by an upcoming new series of Doctor Who. Not to mention that the Class finale podcast is also planned to arrive prior to then.
I don't have good excuses so I won't offer them. The podcasts absolutely won't suffer from this problem all the time the series is on and I, and indeed we, hope you'll enjoy this late festive offering.
I chose not to go with a Christmas-themed playlist, though, as I figured that'd be taking the piss.