Wednesday, 8 August 2012

TORCHWOOD PODCAST: Miracle Day Final - The Gathering & The Blood Line

A mere eleven months after it was recorded (and thus more punctual than our episode for Patrick Troughton surreal-fest "The Mind Robber" can ever hope to be) it's our final episode of the short-lived Miracle Day podcast! You can find out what we thought of episodes nine and ten of Miracle Day (except that we've already told you our basic opinion in a completely different episode) as well as hearing our usual impeccable music choices resolutely talked over. In a newly-recorded intro section, your lovely hosts talk about the new Doctor Who trailer, but if you wish to completely avoid such chat you can do so by winding on to exactly 25 minutes dead. See, we're nice to you spoilerphobes. Remember to check in below for our playlist (themed for the Miracle Day episode, whatever we felt like for the intro) and enjoy! Finally.

LISTEN TO "MIRACLE DAY FINAL" - Playlist on Spotify

1 comment:


    Alison Moyet: Weak in the Presence of Beauty
    Air: Alpha Beta Gaga
    Brad Fiedel: Police Station
    Slik: Requiem
    Mel & Kim: FLM
    Jerry van Rooyen: The Great Bank Robbery

    "Miracle Day Final"
    Neil Patrick Harris: Brand New Day
    Killing Joke: The Death and Resurrection Show
    A-ha: The Blood That Moves the Body
    Toto: Hold the Line
    Wil Malone: Theme from Death Line
    LaMarca: Hold On Blue Eyes
    Extreme: L'il Jack Horny
    The Hidden Cameras: A Miracle
    Yasunori Mitsuda: Gathering Stars in the Night Sky
    Mike Oldfield: Family Man
    Daft Punk: End of Line
    New Musik: Straight Lines
    Black: Wonderful Life
