Tuesday, 31 December 2019

PODCAST: Resolution

Nine years and nine months later, here we are at the resolution.

Never say never and all that but this is definitely the last of the regular episodes of Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour Podcast, the podcast with the increasingly out-of-date name. We’ll definitely be back even if it’s just one more rambly catch-up, but when the new series starts tomorrow we’ll be able to just watch Doctor Who and not worry about explaining why we feel the way we do about the episodes, which will be very nice.

Absolutely the best to all of you who stuck with us, and all of you who didn’t but still gave us your attention for a short time. We didn’t do anything special to deserve this attention but you made us feel like we did.

Thanks for sticking with me (Chris) in particular through my off-colour jokes and racist accents and being a big part of helping me weed those out. Thanks to anyone who actually DID follow the intricacies of Joe’s love life over the last decade and, while there must surely have been people out there who listened and didn’t like the show, thanks to them too for just going away quietly and not giving us an unnecessarily hard time about it.

As for the episode itself, we are finally joined Mr Chris from the Pharos Project podcast, who kept us soldiering through the discussion when Joe and I were ready to throw in the towel and end the recording. He had notes and everything, as you’ll hear when you listen to RESOLUTION.

And that’s it, nothing left now but to part ways with the traditional Doctor Who farewell:

Live long, and prosper.

Monday, 30 December 2019

PODCAST: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos

So, here we are. We’ll be back tomorrow with a very special guest for Resolution but, since that’s a New Year Special, this is our final Doctor Who episode proper.

As such, we did finally record at Joe’s then-flat, thus finally adding one more location that we’ve recorded the show in, and for old times’ sake, we even dug out the digital recorder we relied on for years which, for reasons unknown, decided to give us a real low quality recording the kind of which you might hear on a much worse podcast. We literally can’t explain why that happened so we hope the results don’t trouble you too much.

Anyway, enough of that. It’s The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, the kind of title that sounds like a sci-fi parody and features a returning villain. There!s usually a sense of diminishing returns when this happens and it’s the case here too, but with the unfortunate truth being that this villain wasn’t any good the first time. In fact, the best idea in this whole episode has already appeared in Doctor Who back in 1978.

It’s inauspicious to say the least, but hey, why not throw caution to the wind and join us anyway for THE BATTLE OF RANSKOOR AV KOLOS?

Sunday, 29 December 2019

PODCAST: It Takes You Away

As promised: another day, another EH?

This one will take you away into a weird little Nordic world as seen in frankly one of the strangest Doctor Who stories of the entire run, not just the post-2005 era.

It’s just Joe and Chris this week as they navigate this bizarre little gem.


Saturday, 28 December 2019

PODCAST: The Witchfinders

Festive balls, y'alls!

After months of procrastination, Chris has realised that there's mere days before there'll be new Doctor Who. Four days, in fact. And whaddayaknow? There's four episodes left to upload as well.

You know what this means:

It's time for an episode a day! Prepare for now anachronistic references to the temperature in the UK and other such stuff, as well as references to a theoretical new podcast which is now a very real new podcast available at www.amityvillecalamityville.com

It's The Witchfinders - a seeming rare modern Doctor Who "romp" that's actually fun, despite the grim subject matter, largely due to the presence of Alan Cumming as the exceedingly camp King James. Also, possibly the first time since Jodie Whittaker stepped into the role that the Doctor being a woman has become crucial to the plot.

Joe and Chris are joined by Holly, the co-creator and co-host of Amityville Calamityville and you will be left in no doubt as to whether we liked this episode or not, also it provides us sassenachs the opportunity to do some Scotsplaining.